Showing posts with label star san. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star san. Show all posts

Handy Guide to PBW (Powdered Brewery Wash) for Cleaning Homebrew Beer Gear

Sunday, April 28, 2024

For anyone deeply invested in the world of homebrewing, the quest for immaculate equipment is never-ending. 

Enter PBW, or Powdered Brewery Wash, a cleaning product by Five Star that has rapidly become the staple for both commercial and home brewers alike. 

With its roots tracing back to the renowned Coors brewery, PBW has successfully established itself as an indispensable tool in every brewer's arsenal.

PBW's reputation precedes itself. This cleaning agent is celebrated not just for its efficacy but also for the trust it has garnered among North American homebrewing communities.
If you're new to brewing and ask for cleaning recommendations, you'll inevitably stumble upon enthusiastic endorsements for PBW. 


Aren't we all?

• Effective Cleaner: Excellently removes organic residues such as proteins and lipids.• Requires Thorough Rinsing: Must be completely rinsed off to avoid residue.
• Versatile: Safe for use on all materials including stainless steel, glass, plastic, and ceramics.• Not a Sanitizer: Cleans effectively but does not have sanitizing properties.
• Environmentally Friendly: Biodegradable and non-hazardous under typical use conditions.• Optimal Performance Requires Hot Water: More effective with warm to hot water, increasing energy use.
• Non-Corrosive Formula: Safe on metals and materials used in brewing equipment.• Cost: Generally more expensive than traditional cleaners, which might affect budget considerations for home or professional brewers.
PBW powdered brewery wash for cleaning brewin equipment

Why PBW Shines as a cleaner of beer brewing gear

Beyond Brewing: The Unexpected Uses of PBW

It's not just brewing equipment that can benefit from PBW's cleaning prowess:

Beer Bottles: Let's face it, cleaning dried sediment from the bottom of beer bottles is tedious. Why bother with a bottle brush when PBW can do the job?

Fermenter drums: Even if you've neglected your fermenter for weeks, a soak in PBW will bring it back to its pristine condition. And the best part? No scrubbing required.

The PBW User Manual: How to get the best cleaning results

Using PBW is straightforward:

Step 1: PreparationMeasure the correct amount of PBW for your equipment. Use 1-2 ounces of PBW per gallon of water, depending on the level of soiling.
Step 2: SoakingSoak your brewing equipment in the solution overnight. This extended soak time allows PBW to thoroughly break down and remove organic residues.
Step 3: RinsingRinse your equipment thoroughly the next day to remove any residues of PBW. Ensure all surfaces are completely clean to avoid any contamination in your next brewing session.
Step 4: Post-CleaningOnce rinsed, your equipment is ready for another brewing session. Inspect for any remaining residues and ensure equipment is dry before storing or using.

sodium percarbonate beer equipment wash powder

Cleaning vs. Sanitizing: The Essential Distinction

It's crucial to understand that while PBW excels at cleaning, it doesn't equate to sanitization. 

Post-cleaning, it's imperative to sterilize the equipment to eliminate any lingering microbes. Many brewers swear by Star San, another product from Five Star, as their go-to sanitizer.

To be frank though, after using a PBW product, this brewer doesn't bother sanitizing the gear if it is being used straight away. 

Decoding PBW: The Ingredients that Make it Work

At its core, PBW is powered by Sodium Metasilicate, which constitutes about 30% of its formulation. 

This ingredient is the powerhouse that tackles grease and brewing residue head-on. Additionally, sodium percarbonate plays a pivotal role. 

Fun fact: sodium percarbonate is a primary component in many household laundry soakers... so if you don't want to splash cash, just grab some from your laundry. It says on the ingredients list if the product contains sodium percarbonate. 

DIY PBW: Crafting Your Own Cleaner

For those looking to replicate the cleaning efficiency of PBW at home, combining TSP/90 (commonly known as Red Devil) with Oxiclean can yield similar results. However, it's essential to note that while percarbonate is more of a sanitizer, metasilicate serves as the cleaner.

PBW has carved a hand niche for itself in the brewing world, and rightfully so.
Its cleaning efficiency, coupled with its safety and versatility, makes it an invaluable asset for brewers. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned brewer, integrating PBW into your cleaning routine can significantly elevate your brewing experience.

The Ultimate Guide to No-Rinse Sanitizers for Beer Brewing Equipment

Sunday, November 19, 2023
Sanitization in brewing is not merely a step in the process; it's a cornerstone of quality assurance. The absence of proper sanitization can lead to microbial contamination, which manifests as off-flavors, unpleasant aromas, and even spoilage. 

This is not just about aesthetics or taste; it's about the integrity of the brew. The use of 'no-rinse' sanitizers elevates this practice by offering a convenient yet effective way to ensure that your beer or wine remains untainted by unwanted microorganisms. These sanitizers save time and water, making them an eco-friendly and efficient choice.

using no rinse santizer agents to clean brewing equipment

What Exactly is a 'No-Rinse' Sanitizer? The Science Behind the Convenience

The concept of 'no-rinse' sanitizers is rooted in their chemical composition. These solutions are formulated to kill bacteria, yeast, and molds effectively, and then break down into harmless substances that don't need to be rinsed away. This is a significant advantage over traditional sanitizers like caustic soda or bleach, which require a thorough rinsing to remove residues that could contaminate your brew. 

The 'no-rinse' feature is not just about convenience; it's about reducing the margin of error in the sanitization process. The less you have to handle your equipment, the fewer opportunities there are for contamination.

The Contenders: Choosing the Best No-Rinse Sanitizer

Star San: The Industry Standard Unveiled

Star San has carved a niche for itself as a reliable and effective sanitizer in the brewing community. But what sets it apart? 

First, let's delve into its active ingredients: phosphoric acid and dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid. Phosphoric acid disrupts the cell membrane of microorganisms, leading to cell death. 

Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid acts as a surfactant, allowing the solution to spread more easily and penetrate microbial colonies.

The 'no-rinse' feature of Star San is not just a marketing gimmick; it's backed by science. When used at the correct concentration—specifically, one ounce per 5 gallons of water—the acids in the solution break down into phosphate and sulfate, which are harmless to your brew. This dual-action of cleaning and breaking down into benign substances makes Star San a holistic choice for brewers who demand efficacy without compromise.

no rinse sanitizer guide for beer equipment

Iodophor: The Medical-Grade Option Explored

Iodophor brings medical-grade sanitization to your home brewery. The active ingredient, iodine, has been a staple in antiseptics for decades. Iodine works by penetrating the cell walls of microorganisms and disrupting their metabolic processes, leading to rapid cell death. This makes Iodophor incredibly effective, but there's more to it than just germ-killing prowess.

Iodophor's no-rinse capability comes from its ability to sublimate—transition from a solid or liquid state into a gas—leaving no residue behind. This is why it's crucial to soak your equipment for at least 10 minutes; it allows the iodine enough time to both sanitize and then evaporate. While it's a powerful sanitizer, it's also gentle, making it a versatile choice for various brewing setups.

guide to no rinse sanitizers for home brew beer equipment

One Step: The Oxygen-Based Cleaner Decoded

One Step offers a unique approach to sanitization with its oxygen-based cleaner. The active ingredient, sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate, releases hydrogen peroxide upon dissolving in water. Hydrogen peroxide is a well-known antiseptic that works by producing free radicals that attack microbial cells.

What makes One Step particularly interesting is its rapid action. With just two minutes of contact time, it achieves a level of sanitization that rivals more traditional methods. This speed is attributed to the rapid breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, leaving no harmful residues. This makes One Step not just a cleaner but a highly effective sanitizer that aligns with the no-rinse philosophy.

Sodium Percarbonate: The Laundry Room Gem Unearthed

Sodium percarbonate is the unsung hero of home brewing sanitization. Commonly found in laundry detergents like Oxi-Clean, it's a compound that, when dissolved in water, releases sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide. The latter is the active sanitizing agent, working in a similar way to the hydrogen peroxide released by One Step.

The appeal of sodium percarbonate lies in its accessibility and cost-effectiveness. It's a readily available household item that doubles as a brewing sanitizer. For those concerned about additives in laundry products, sodium percarbonate can also be purchased in its pure form, offering a no-frills, effective sanitization method.

The Verdict: Just Do It, But Do It Right

Choosing a no-rinse sanitizer is not just about picking a product; it's about aligning with a sanitization philosophy that values both effectiveness and convenience. Whether you opt for the tried-and-true Star San, the medical-grade Iodophor, the quick-acting One Step, or the household-handy sodium percarbonate, the key is to follow the usage guidelines meticulously. 

Proper concentration and contact time are crucial for any sanitizer to work effectively. 

Remember, the goal is not just to sanitize but to do so in a way that preserves the quality and integrity of your brew.

Using Sodium Percarbonate to Clean and Sanitize Beer Brewing Equipment

Friday, October 27, 2023

Beer brewing is an intricate art that combines scientific precision with culinary creativity. As brewers embark on this alchemical journey, turning simple ingredients into delectable brews, there's a foundational mantra they must adhere to: cleanliness is paramount. The importance of maintaining impeccably clean and sanitized equipment cannot be stressed enough. Any contamination, no matter how minuscule, can drastically alter the taste and safety of the final product.

Enter sodium percarbonate—a powerful cleaning agent that promises not only cleanliness but also peace of mind. In its powdered form, sodium percarbonate dissolves quickly in water, making it a convenient choice for brewers. This essay delves into the world of sodium percarbonate, exploring its properties, benefits, and the best practices for using it in the beer brewing process. By understanding and harnessing the power of this compound, brewers can ensure that their equipment remains pristine, setting the stage for a successful brew every time.

using sodium percarbonate to clean beer equipment

What is Sodium Percarbonate?

Sodium percarbonate, often referred to as a "hidden gem" in the brewing world, is a versatile cleaning agent that combines sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide. This unique combination gives it the ability to release oxygen, a powerful cleaning and sanitizing agent. Unlike many other cleaning products, sodium percarbonate is capable of breaking down organic matter and eliminating microorganisms, making it an invaluable tool for brewers.

Why Choose Sodium Percarbonate?

Sodium percarbonate offers several key benefits for brewers:

  • Simplicity and efficiency: It's easy to use and highly effective at removing dirt, grime, and organic matter from brewing equipment. Simply mix it with water to create a cleaning solution and apply it to the affected areas.
  • No-rinse cleaning: Unlike many traditional cleaning products, sodium percarbonate is a "no-rinse" solution. This means that you don't need to rinse your equipment with water after using it, saving you time and reducing the risk of contamination from tap water.
  • Cost-effective: Sodium percarbonate is often available in bulk at a lower cost than store-bought cleaners, making it a more economical option for brewers.

Beyond Brewing: A Household Staple

Sodium percarbonate is not just a brewer's best friend. It's also a popular ingredient in laundry detergents, where it's used to remove tough stains and brighten fabrics. Many commercial laundry detergents that advertise their oxygen-boosting capabilities contain sodium percarbonate as their active ingredient.

Understanding the Application and Benefits in Brewing

Sodium percarbonate serves as both a cleaner and a sanitizer for brewing equipment. It can effectively remove visible debris, residues, and organic matter, while also reducing the number of microorganisms that can spoil beer. This dual functionality makes it a valuable tool for maintaining a clean and hygienic brewing environment.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Sodium Percarbonate

  1. Prepare your equipment: Before applying sodium percarbonate, ensure that your brewing equipment is free of any visible debris or residues. This will allow the cleaning solution to work more effectively.
  2. Mix the solution: To activate sodium percarbonate, combine a generous scoop with hot or boiling water. The heat will help to catalyze the chemical reaction and enhance its cleaning power.
  3. Soak your equipment: Submerge your brewing equipment in the sodium percarbonate solution and let it soak overnight. This will give the cleaning agent ample time to penetrate the surfaces and eliminate any contaminants.
  4. Rinse (optional): While sodium percarbonate is typically a "no-rinse" solution, you may want to rinse your equipment thoroughly with cold water followed by boiling water if you're concerned about any residual residue or scents, especially if you've used a laundry variant.

Sodium Percarbonate: When and Why to Use It

Sodium percarbonate is a valuable tool for brewers, especially in specific scenarios.

High Attenuation Beers:

When aiming for high attenuation rates or brewing a beer with a high ABV, a robust yeast is required. Sodium percarbonate ensures the yeast thrives by creating a clean environment.

Water Quality:

If your brewing water lacks essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc, sodium percarbonate can fill this gap, ensuring yeast health and optimal fermentation.

Use of Adjuncts:

Beers with a high proportion of sugars or adjuncts can benefit from sodium percarbonate. Pure sugars don't provide yeast with the nutrients it needs, making a clean fermentation environment even more crucial.

Beyond Beer:

For those venturing beyond beer into the realms of wine, cider, or mead, sodium percarbonate becomes even more critical. These beverages lack the malty profile of beer worts, meaning there's less for yeast to work with. Ensuring a clean fermentation vessel can help compensate for this and ensure a successful fermentation.

Sodium Percarbonate Alternatives for Brewers:

While sodium percarbonate is a popular choice for cleaning brewing equipment, there are other effective options available. This comprehensive guide will explore alternatives, usage tips, safety considerations, and additional information to help you make informed decisions.

Household Alternatives

Laundry detergents, especially those marketed as "oxygen-based," often contain sodium percarbonate. For best results, use non-scented varieties and rinse your equipment thoroughly to avoid any lingering fragrances.

For stubborn residues, caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) can be effective but requires extreme caution due to its strong corrosive nature. Wear protective gear, including gloves and eye protection, when handling caustic soda. Always rinse your equipment thoroughly after use to prevent any residue from contaminating your beer.

Pre-Packaged Solutions

Some brewing kits include sodium percarbonate sachets, which can be convenient for beginners. However, for long-term brewers, buying sodium percarbonate in bulk is often more cost-effective.

Understanding Sodium Compounds

Sodium carbonate (soda ash), used in glass and soap manufacturing, is different from sodium percarbonate. It's generally not recommended for brewing equipment cleaning.

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), a common baking ingredient, is also not suitable for cleaning brewing equipment. It may react with other ingredients in your beer, leading to unwanted flavors or off-flavors.

Additional Tips

If you have a wooden deck, you can use a sodium percarbonate solution to clean and refresh it. Simply mix sodium percarbonate with water to create a cleaning solution and apply it to the deck.

Before capping your beer bottles, always inspect them carefully for cleanliness and any hidden intruders. This can help prevent contamination and ensure the quality of your final product.

Safety and Efficacy

Always follow safety guidelines when using chemicals. This includes wearing appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and eye protection. Store chemicals in a secure location away from children and pets.

Ensure the cleaning agent you choose is effective in removing contaminants from your brewing equipment. A poorly cleaned piece of equipment can lead to off-flavors or even contamination in your beer.


Sodium percarbonate is a versatile and cost-effective option for brewing equipment cleaning. However, understanding its alternatives and using them safely can enhance the brewing experience.

By following the guidelines in this guide, brewers can make informed decisions about cleaning agents and ensure the highest quality beer.

What is the best homebrew sanitizer?

Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Embarking on a homebrewing journey and in search of the finest sanitizers to ensure the best brew? 

You're in the right place.

We know a thing or three about sanitizer.

The essence of a flavorful beer lies not just in the ingredients but also in the cleanliness and sanitation of your equipment. Any seasoned homebrewer will emphasize the importance of immaculate equipment and bottles to ward off any undesirable bacteria that might ruin your concoction.

Recall a time when your brew was compromised due to insufficient cleaning? You beer was wrecked as it was infected?

It's an agonizing experience, isn't it?

You spend the time and money on malt, yeast and hops and then it's simply undrinkable acid. 

Want no fuss, just need the good stuff? The good oil on sanitizer? Regardez-vous:




Star San

Highly Effective: Rapidly kills microbes and does not require rinsing, leaving behind a foam that can benefit yeast health. Non-Toxic: Made from food-grade phosphoric acid which is safe for use. Ease of Use: Only requires contact for 30 seconds to be effective.

Foam Production: Produces substantial foam which can be mistaken for residue or contamination by new brewers. Sensitive to Environment: Less effective in hard water or when improperly diluted.


No-Rinse: At proper dilutions, it does not require rinsing and leaves minimal residual taste or odor. Indicator: Changes color to indicate effectiveness and proper dilution. Broad Spectrum: Effective against a wide range of organisms.

Staining: Can stain plastics and fabrics with prolonged contact. Short Shelf Life: Once diluted, it loses potency within 24-48 hours. Sensitive to Light: Degraded by light exposure, requiring storage in dark containers.

One Step

No Rinse Required: Easy to use without the need for rinsing, making it quick and convenient. Environmentally Friendly: Oxygen-based and biodegradable. Safe: Non-toxic formula makes it a safer choice for home brewers.

Less Effective on Hard Surfaces: May not be as effective as other sanitizers on hard, non-porous surfaces. Requires Longer Contact Time: Generally needs at least 2 minutes to sanitize effectively.


Highly Affordable: Widely available and cost-effective. Powerful Disinfectant: Extremely effective at killing a wide range of microbes. Versatility: Can be used for various cleaning tasks beyond brewing.

Corrosive: Can damage stainless steel and other surfaces if not thoroughly rinsed. Residual Smell: Leaves a strong chlorine odor that must be completely rinsed to avoid flavor impact. Rinsing Required: Must be thoroughly rinsed to prevent contamination.

Powder Brewery Wash

Effective Cleaner: Excellently removes organic residues like proteins and lipids. Versatile: Safe on all materials including stainless steel and plastic. Environmentally Friendly: Biodegradable and non-hazardous under typical use conditions.Requires Thorough Rinsing: Must be completely rinsed off to prevent interaction with sanitizers. Not a Sanitizer: Only cleans, does not sanitize—sanitization step is still necessary. Optimal Performance Requires Hot Water: More effective with warm to hot water, increasing energy usage.

best home brew beer sanitizer

Let's dive in and explore the top sanitizers that will shield your beer, cider, or wine from any brewing adversaries.

1. Star San: The Pinnacle of Sanitizers

Star San is renowned for its formidable ability to annihilate any microorganisms threatening your brew. Characterized by its makers as "a self-foaming acid sanitizer apt for brewing, dairy, and other edibles," it stands out as a potent bactericide and fungicide. 

What's more, it's resilient against excessive organic soils and diminishes water spotting. Comprising phosphoric acid and dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid, Star San is a no-rinse solution — a significant advantage for brewers eager to get brewing.

Usage: Star San can be applied through spraying or soaking equipment and bottles. A ratio of one ounce to 5 gallons of water ensures optimal protection against bacteria.

However, its superiority comes with a premium price tag.

2. Iodophor: The Trusted Choice

Iodophor, favored by the beer brewing community, has roots in the food service and medical sectors for equipment sanitation. A trifecta of detergent, germicide, and sanitizer, Iodophor promises sanitation in approximately 10 minutes. As with Star San, it requires no rinsing at the suggested concentration.

A word of caution: Iodophor can stain clothing, so exercise care during use.

3. Powdered Brewery Wash (PBW)

Originally embraced by commercial breweries, PBW has won the hearts of homebrewers for its sanitizing prowess. Many veteran brewers laud its effectiveness. PBW not only sanitizes but also aids in removing beer labels from bottles.

A tip: You can craft your own PBW alternative using household products. Blend a home brand like Tide or Oxiclean with a metasilicate-rich cleaner like Red Devil TSP/90 in a 70/30 mix to craft a DIY sanitizer.


4. Laundry Soakers: The Unexpected Savior

Surprisingly, common laundry soakers can serve as sanitizers. Products boasting 'oxy' labels typically contain sodium percarbonate, a chief ingredient in many renowned soakers. We can personally testify that this is the key product we use to prepare our beer bottles and brewing drum - it's cheap an effective. 

5. Bleach: The Old Reliable

Bleach, while commonplace, can be a potent sanitizer for homebrewing. A solution of 1 tablespoon of bleach to 1 gallon of water, followed by a 20-minute soak, should suffice. However, due to its strong odor, rinsing is advised. For quick results, opting for faster-acting solutions like Star San might be more prudent.
sanitize beer gear for great abs

The Verdict on the best beer making sanitizers

When it comes to selecting the ideal homebrewing sanitizer, consider these factors:

In the realm of brewing, cleanliness is paramount. So, embark on your brewing journey with the best sanitization practices in tow!
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