Showing posts with label carbon dioxide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carbon dioxide. Show all posts

↠ Brewing with yeast (how to get a rise out of your beer)

Monday, November 6, 2023
The narrative of beer brewing is rich and complex, with yeast playing a central character in its development. Beer, in various forms, has been part of human civilization for thousands of years. 

However, the true understanding of yeast's role in beer brewing only materialized relatively recently in historical terms. The momentous occasion in 1836, when Baron Charles Cagniard de la Tour identified yeast cells under his microscope and concluded they were alive, marked a profound shift in the brewing industry. Before this discovery, the process of fermentation was shrouded in mystery, often attributed to divine or magical phenomena. 

De la Tour’s findings demystified fermentation, revealing it to be a biological process driven by the metabolism of yeast cells.

This epochal discovery was not an isolated event but a part of the broader scientific awakening of the 19th century. It was during this period that Louis Pasteur furthered de la Tour's work, linking yeast to the process of fermentation definitively and explaining how it could be harnessed and controlled. 

Pasteur's research had a monumental impact, transforming brewing from a craft guided by intuition and traditional practices into one underpinned by scientific principles.

pitching yeast into wort

Yeast: The Microbial Alchemist in Brewing

Turning to the microorganism itself, yeast's role can be likened to that of an alchemist, capable of transforming base materials into substances of value. Biologically, yeast belongs to the kingdom of fungi and is a single-celled organism. There are numerous species and strains of yeast, each with unique properties and effects on the brewing process. In the realm of beer brewing, the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae family reigns supreme, specifically its two distinguished members: ale yeast and lager yeast.

Ale yeasts are top-fermenting, meaning they tend to rise to the surface of the brew during fermentation, while lager yeasts are bottom-fermenting and settle at the bottom. This differentiation is not merely a matter of visual interest but has practical implications for the brewing process, influencing factors like fermentation temperature, the speed of fermentation, and the flavor profile of the beer.

Yeast Behavior and the Art of Brewing

The introduction of yeast to the brewing mixture marks the beginning of the fermentation process, the transformative period when sugars are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This biochemistry is at the heart of brewing, but it's not a "set it and forget it" affair. Successful fermentation demands meticulous attention to various parameters, including temperature, pH levels, and the presence of nutrients.

Brewers must cultivate an almost symbiotic relationship with their yeast, providing it with the ideal conditions to thrive while also steering its activity toward the desired outcome. This interplay is where the art and science of brewing converge. The brewer must understand the biological needs and behaviors of yeast and apply that knowledge with precision and care.

A deep dive into the world of brewing yeast reveals a landscape rich with diversity and complexity. Each strain has its personality, so to speak, with specific tolerances for alcohol and temperature, and each imparts different flavor profiles to the beer. Master brewers learn to navigate this terrain with a blend of empirical knowledge and creative intuition, selecting and nurturing yeast strains to achieve a harmonious balance of flavors.

The Unseen Craft: Precision and Care in Yeast Integration

Incorporating yeast into beer is akin to adding the soul to the body. It's a delicate process that requires more than just technical knowledge; it requires a nuanced understanding of the living organism that is yeast. The brewer must ensure the yeast is healthy and vigorous before introducing it to the wort—the sweet liquid extracted from malted grains. They must also constantly monitor the fermentation process, adjusting conditions as needed to maintain the yeast's health and activity.

The craft of brewing with yeast is, therefore, an ongoing dialogue between brewer and microbe, a collaboration that underpins the creation of every beer. It's a journey that begins with the selection of a yeast strain and continues through the careful orchestration of the fermentation environment, all to achieve a beer that is more than just the sum of its parts, but a drink that tells a story—a story of science, history, and the transcendent power of yeast.

Distinctive Fermentation Traits of Ale and Lager Yeast

The divergence in fermentation characteristics between ale and lager yeasts is one of the most pivotal aspects that dictate the very identity of beers within these two categories. The behaviors of these yeasts during fermentation are not simply a matter of preference but are rooted in centuries of brewing tradition and biological specialization.

Ale Yeasts: The Warm, Ester-Forward Fermenters

Ale yeasts, known scientifically as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are robust organisms that perform best in moderate to warm conditions, typically between 10-25°C (50-77°F). At these temperatures, ale yeasts exhibit vigorous fermentation activity, often creating a thick, frothy layer of krausen at the top of the fermenter. This "top-fermenting" trait is not only a matter of spatial orientation but also influences the interaction between the yeast and the fermenting wort.

The warmer fermentation environment promotes the production of esters—volatile flavor compounds that can impart a range of fruity and floral notes to the beer. These esters are often desirable in ale styles, adding complexity and depth to the flavor profile. However, this same environment can also lead to higher alcohol production and lower attenuation, meaning that the yeast may not fully consume all available sugars, resulting in a beer with a sweeter, fuller body.

Lager Yeasts: The Cool, Clean Fermenters

In contrast, lager yeasts, classified as Saccharomyces pastorianus, are "bottom fermenters." They gather at the bottom of the fermenter and are more suited to cooler temperatures, thriving at 7-15°C (45-59°F). This preference for cooler conditions slows down the yeast's metabolism, which results in a longer fermentation period. The reduced metabolic rate also means fewer esters and other byproducts are produced, leading to the characteristically clean and crisp profile of lager beers.

Lagers often have a more subtle flavor profile, with a focus on the malt and hops rather than the yeast-derived flavors. The lower temperatures also contribute to a higher attenuation level, where yeast consumes a greater percentage of the sugars, typically resulting in a drier finish and a more pronounced bitterness when hops are present.

brewing with yeast beer

Yeast Pitching: The Critical Intersection of Timing and Temperature

Pitching yeast is a term used to describe the process of adding yeast to the cooled wort. This step is crucial, as the environment into which the yeast is introduced can have profound effects on its health and fermentation efficiency. The process is delicate; the wort must be cooled to a temperature that is hospitable for the yeast but not so cold as to shock or so hot as to kill it.

For ale yeasts, the pitching temperature is usually around room temperature, while for lager yeasts, the temperature should be closer to the lower end of their preferred range. The objective is to provide an environment where the yeast can acclimate and begin to reproduce before starting the bulk of the fermentation.

The volume of the wort is often adjusted to a standard size, such as 23 liters, to standardize the process. Brewers add cold water not only to reach this volume but also to help achieve the target temperature. This process, known as "topping off," is common in homebrewing and smaller craft brewing operations where precise temperature control can be a challenge.

Once the yeast is pitched, the brewer's role shifts to careful monitoring. They must keep a vigilant eye on temperature fluctuations, which can cause the yeast to become stressed, leading to off-flavors or a stuck fermentation where the yeast ceases to convert sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

The art of brewing, therefore, hinges on a deep understanding of yeast and the delicate balance of conditions required to coax out its best performance. The choice between ale and lager yeast is not merely one of flavor preference but a decision that affects every aspect of the brewing process, from fermentation kinetics to the final taste profile of the beer.

The Critical Role of Yeast Vitality in Beer Brewing

Yeast vitality can be considered as one of the pivotal gears in the clockwork of beer brewing. The age and health of yeast cells are crucial to their performance during fermentation. As yeast ages, its ability to reproduce and metabolize sugars effectively diminishes, which can lead to a range of issues from slow fermentation starts to incomplete fermentations.

Freshness of Yeast: Ensuring Peak Performance

In the pursuit of brewing excellence, the freshness of yeast is as paramount as the quality of the malt and hops. Fresh yeast comes teeming with healthy, vigorous cells ready to tackle the sugars in the wort. Old or underperforming yeast, often referred to as "tired," can lead to a slew of problems. For instance, tired yeast may require higher pitching rates, which translates to using more packets or vials of yeast to achieve the desired cell count. This not only affects the brewing economics by increasing the cost but may also influence the final flavor profile of the beer.

The Utility of Yeast Starters in Brewing

To combat the pitfalls of using tired yeast, brewers can employ a yeast starter. This is essentially a mini batch of beer that is used to awaken and multiply yeast cells. By feeding the yeast a simple wort, usually made from dry malt extract and water, the brewer can revitalize the culture, increasing the cell count to ensure a vigorous fermentation. This is particularly crucial when brewing high-gravity beers, which require more yeast due to the higher sugar content, or when the viability of a liquid yeast culture is questionable.

A well-made yeast starter not only boosts cell count but also helps in assessing the yeast's health before it is introduced to the full volume of wort. A vigorous starter is a good indication that the yeast is capable of performing the task ahead.

Baking Yeast Versus Brewing Yeast: A Functional Distinction

While both baking and brewing yeast are of the same species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, their selection and cultivation over the years have specialized them for their respective roles. Baking yeast has been optimized for rapid CO2 production to lift and aerate bread dough. Its alcohol tolerance is typically lower than that of brewing yeast, which is selectively bred to withstand the alcohol environment of beer and contribute to its flavor profile.

using yeast with beer wort

While in a pinch, baking yeast can ferment beer, it is not designed for it. Brewers may find that beers fermented with baking yeast have unexpected flavors and often lack the alcohol content or clarity achieved with brewing yeast. Furthermore, the flocculation properties—that is, the ability of the yeast to clump together and settle out of the beer—differ significantly between baking and brewing yeast, often leading to cloudier beer when baking yeast is used.

The Takeaway: Yeast Viability and Preparation

The takeaway for brewers, both novice and experienced, is that yeast management is as integral to brewing as any other aspect. Understanding the importance of yeast vitality, the advantages of using a yeast starter, and the differences between yeast strains can mean the difference between a good beer and a great one. Yeast, although a microorganism, has macro effects on the brewing process, and its impact on beer cannot be overstated. Whether it's ensuring the use of fresh, high-quality brewing yeast or preparing a nutrient-rich starter, these steps are essential to the craft of brewing, setting the stage for the magical transformation of wort into beer.


Understanding and working with yeast is fundamental to brewing beer. From the selection of the appropriate strain to the careful handling and pitching of yeast, each step plays a crucial role in the brewing process. By mastering these elements, brewers can create beers with the desired flavors, alcohol content, and clarity, paying homage to the centuries-old tradition that Baron Charles Cagniard de la Tour helped shape.

How to use carbonation drops for brewing beer and cider

Monday, October 23, 2023

Using Carbonation Drops for Efficient Beer Brewing

Carbonation drops have become a popular choice among brewers for secondary fermentation during the beer bottling process. Traditionally, brewers would add sugar to each beer or cider bottle using a spoon, or they would opt for batch priming.

In contrast, carbonation drops offer a quick, error-free alternative. By placing a carbonation drop inside each bottle before sealing, secondary fermentation is initiated. This occurs as the yeast consumes the sugar present in the drop.

One well-recognized brand in this domain is Coopers Carbonation Drops. Another commendable brand is Mangrove Jacks. Both have garnered popularity and trust in the brewing community.

Ingredients of Carbonation Drops

The primary ingredient in carbonation drops is sugar, specifically sucrose. Thus, fundamentally, there's no stark difference between using a carbonation drop and adding sugar. The key advantage of using these drops is their convenience, ensuring consistency in the sugar dosage for each bottle. This uniformity is pivotal in achieving a consistent brew and preventing 'gushers', which are over-carbonated beers that overflow upon opening.

using carbonation drops for bottle conditioning

How to use Carbonation Drops for secondary fermentation

The procedure to use these drops is straightforward. Once the beer is transferred to sanitized bottles, a carbonation drop is added to each. The bottle is then sealed, allowing carbonation to commence as the CO2 remains trapped.

The number of drops per bottle varies with the bottle size. Here are some general guidelines:
  • 1 drop for a 350 to 375 ml or 12 OZ bottle. This also covers bottles up to 500 ml.
  • 2 drops for a 750 ml bottle or 25 OZ.
  • For bottles larger than 1 liter, 2.5 to 3 drops are recommended. 
However, caution is advised to prevent over-carbonation.

Carbonation Tablets as an Alternative

Carbonation tablets, or conditioning tablets, serve as another route to achieve carbonation. Unlike carbonation drops which primarily contain sucrose, these tablets comprise dextrose, dry malt extract, and heading powder. They introduce additional flavor and body to the beer. The application depends on the desired carbonation level; for a 12-ounce bottle (350 ml), 3, 4, or 5 tablets are used for low, medium, or high carbonation, respectively.

carbonation drops

Valuable Insights for Using Carbonation Drops

  • Carbonation drops can be employed to carbonate apple cider, adhering to the same measurements as beer.
  • Over-priming should be avoided. Excessive sugar can result in over-carbonation, leading to 'gushers' upon opening the bottle.
  • The brewing environment, especially temperature, influences the carbonation process.
  • For those who prefer adding granulated sugar, using a kitchen funnel can be efficient and less messy.
  • Carbonation drops can also be used for ginger beer and possibly hard seltzer.
  • When purchasing drops online, consider buying in bulk to optimize delivery costs.
  • A Soda Stream machine can be used for carbonation, albeit with caution.

How do carbonation drops actually work?

Carbonation drops operate on the principle of priming sugar. During secondary fermentation, the yeast metabolizes the sugar, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) as a byproduct. This CO2 dissolves in the beer, inducing carbonation. Each carbonation drop contains a calibrated amount of sugar that yields a specific carbonation level. As the yeast processes this sugar, it releases a predetermined volume of CO2, ensuring the desired level of carbonation in the beer.

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