Showing posts with label kegs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kegs. Show all posts

↣ What is beerstone (and how to remove it)?

Monday, October 23, 2023
Every brewer, whether amateur or professional, is well-acquainted with the challenges that come with maintaining brewing equipment. 

One such challenge is the pesky formation of beerstone. This stubborn substance can compromise the quality of the brew and pose sanitation issues. 

In this article, we will delve deep into understanding beerstone and provide effective methods to eliminate it from brewing equipment.

What is Beerstone?

Beerstone, scientifically known as calcium oxalate, is a milky-white deposit that forms on brewing equipment over time. It's a combination of protein and mineral compounds that emerge during the brewing process. If left untreated, beerstone can harbor microorganisms, jeopardizing the quality and safety of the brew.

'calcium oxalate' - beerstone buildup

Why is Beerstone a Concern for Brewers?

  1. Sanitation Issues: Beerstone can be a breeding ground for bacteria and wild yeast, leading to contamination and off-flavors in the beer.
  2. Equipment Integrity: Over time, beerstone can corrode metal surfaces, reducing the lifespan of brewing equipment.
  3. Inconsistent Brews: The presence of beerstone can interfere with the brewing process, leading to inconsistent batches of beer.

Effective Methods to Remove Beerstone:

  1. Routine Cleaning: Regular cleaning with brewery-approved detergents can prevent the buildup of beerstone. Ensure to scrub all surfaces thoroughly, paying attention to nooks and crannies.

  2. Acidic Solutions: Phosphoric acid-based cleaners are particularly effective against beerstone. These cleaners dissolve the calcium compounds, making it easier to scrub away the beerstone. However, it's crucial to follow safety precautions when handling acids.

  3. Specialized Beerstone Removers: There are commercial beerstone removers available that are designed specifically to combat this issue. These removers often combine surfactants and chelators to break down and lift away beerstone deposits.

  4. Physical Scrubbing: Sometimes, elbow grease is the best solution. Using a non-abrasive scrubbing pad can help dislodge beerstone, especially when combined with effective cleaning agents.

  5. Preventive Measures: Using water softeners can reduce the mineral content in the water, which in turn reduces the potential for beerstone formation. Regularly inspecting and cleaning equipment after each brew can also prevent accumulation.

beerstone removal techniques

Safety First

When using chemical agents to clean brewing equipment, it's paramount to prioritize safety. Always:

  • Wear protective gloves and eyewear.
  • Ensure adequate ventilation in the cleaning area.
  • Thoroughly rinse equipment after cleaning to remove any residual chemicals.
  • Store cleaning agents out of reach of children and pets.


Beerstone is an inevitable challenge faced by brewers. However, with consistent cleaning, preventive measures, and the right cleaning agents, it's a challenge that can be efficiently tackled. By keeping brewing equipment free of beerstone, brewers can ensure the production of high-quality, consistent, and safe brews. Remember, a clean brewery is a successful brewery. Happy brewing!

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